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Registration open

The 2024-2025 season registrations are now being accepted.  Tryouts will be held October 6th At Yorkton Regional High School and October 20th at the Gallagher centre Flexihall.

Emails will be sent out to registered athletes with full schedule and details.

Yorkton Blitz Volleyball Club

Yorkton Blitz Volleyball is a competitve volleyball club that is associated with Saskatchewan Volleyball Association.

Open to all females between the age of 12 - 18 years of age.

Through SVA, we offer certified coaches & instruction for all athletes.

Athletes will experience increased levels of competition, team work development & physical fitness.

Athletes will participate in volleyball competitive SVA sectioned tournaments throughout the province.

The season starts with evaluation sessions in November & runs until May.  Teams usually practice 2 or 3 time per week, depending on the age group.

The club is run by volunteers and therefore relies on fundraising and sponsorship to operate.

Thank you to the following sponsors for supporting our teams

From all the Blitz teams thank you to these great sponsors!!

Contact Us

PO Box 296

Yorkton PO Delcentre, SK, S3N 2V7